

Massage and bodywork

An integrated and personalized combination of deep tissue techniques that may include myofascial release, gua sha, fire cupping, and a multitude of other appropriate techniques. You may also be instructed in corrective exercises and stretches.

Craniosacral therapy

I’ve been doing craniosacral therapy for more than 20 years with beautiful success stories. It’s a gentle technique that involves tapping into inner wisdom to access stored emotion anchoring trauma. It allows the body to heal in a deeper way. This technique can be added to massage, or experienced as a separate service. When done as a stand alone treatment the client is fully clothed.


I am trained in many services, but not currently offering them just yet.

Facials, European Facial, dermaplaning, chemical peels, Candela Exceed micro-needling (Collagen Induction), lash lifts and tints, brow laminations and tinting, acne treatments, and anti-aging, wrinkle reduction, moisture infusion, pore reduction.


Hypnosis is a way of reconditioning the way you think and function by accessing the deeper conscious.

Personal Training Instruction

I use my certification and knowledge of personal training and exercise to enhance healing and correct muscle imbalances and postural distortions.


Joan is super knowledgeable and helped to fix shoulder issues I was experiencing. Very thankful! Also very relaxing experience


I’ve hired over 100 massage therapists in my business over the last 35 years and I can say that Miss Sands is in the top 1 percentile. She is exceptionally talented.


Good Health Is An Investment In Yourself.